Sunday, May 27, 2012

An update!

I'm sorry I've been kind of MIA lately. I've been busy with work and when I do have time off, I go out with my friends. We've been going out every weekend, spending the day out in the mountains and on the beach. It's been nice.

I haven't done much with my dolls recently, but I'm not out of the hobby or anything. I'm hoping to take some photos within the next couple of days. I have some time off on Monday and Tuesday this week so I wanted to use that free time to do some doll related things. ^_^

And for those of you who follow my Youtube account. I will try my very best to make a video soon. I feel awful that I just kind of disappeared from my channel for so long. I won't be able to make all the clothing videos I said I would be making, but I will let you know what is going on with that in my next update video. Be on the look out for that soon~

In short, expect some updates soon!

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